The white shark turned directly towards me and I thought he was going to stick his head in the cage. I backed up with the camera still rolling and got some AMAZING close-up footage!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 The Last Dive   I am not even dry yet from my last dive of the trip @ 2pm. This was the perfect dive to end the trip by far! Lucy and a male shark were constantly weaving around our cages, taking small nips at the bait for a few minutes. […]

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I counted 5 great white sharks around me including a male with a huge distended belly that made him look like a big momma female!

We had a wonderful day yesterday as the great white sharks were just getting active and they just came in by pairs. I counted about 5 at one moment it had me excited. No matter how much I do it I just feel like every time I do see them it gives me that feeling […]

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Another blog from Silvia on station at Lupita (her nickname for Guadalupe Island)

Hola, Again!! One more great trip.. this time with a group of 25 French people. A lot of sharks and happy people. When we were leaving the island, the scenario was amazing… how big and beautiful it is with a nice sunset, that’s the way I decide to introduce you to Lupita (my nickname for […]

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The great white shark's head rose out of the water with it's enormous mouth opening as if it was roaring at us. Everyone was screaming with excitement!

This past trip to Guadalupe was totally unreal and fun filled! The night we arrived 2 or 3 baby storm petrels flew onto the Nautilus Explorer and ended up staying with us in safe and secure boxes until we released them and  watched them fly back towards Guadalupe Island which was really cool. We had […]

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