Gallant Lady – Good sea life and action today. One of the groups saw 2 bull sharks, a lot of sea life, and big school of yellow snapper.
– Captain Gilberto
Gallant Lady – Good sea life and action today. One of the groups saw 2 bull sharks, a lot of sea life, and big school of yellow snapper.
– Captain Gilberto
Gallant Lady – The third dive yesterday was good, lots of sea lion action – the guests never get tired of the sea lions! Big school of sardine and good sea life.
– Captain Gilberto
Explorer – A large black manta was BREACHING on the surface as divers returned from dive two. Very cool!
– Captain Shep
Gallant Lady – The guests came up super happy, they saw a lot of morays, big sea hears, huge hermit crabs and a sleepy male parrot fish.
– Captain Gilberto
Gallant Lady – We saw a lot of sea life around the reef, with lots of mullet fish, one turtle, a big school of Mexican barracuda and one big male sea lion.
– Captain Gilberto
Explorer – We had orcas show up and jaws dropped to the ground, but the cherry on top was the humpback whale.
– Captain Beto