First Blogs from Guadalupe 2018!

One of the first things the divemasters told us was, “This is a weird choice for a honeymoon.” However, my wife and I have had such a relaxing, yet exhilarating experience aboard the Nautilus UnderSea. Guadalupe Island has been such a nice getaway and the crew has provided a fun and safe environment for us. We love having the freedom to dive whenever we want to see the great white sharks up close. Seeing one in person is an experience we highly recommend to everyone, especially doing it with Nautilus Liveaboards.

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First Shark Sighting Within 10 Minutes!

The first bait in the water by 6 am and the surface cages opened to guests at the same time. Just 10 minutes after the first bait was put in the water a 12ft male great white shark showed up and passed close by the bait a few times. Then five minutes later, it came back to try and grab the bait with a good breach right in front of the surface cage! This, of course, made everyone excited and all the guest started to get ready quickly and asked for the surface cages.

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Crazy good shark fun

With one of the most amazing days of the season with shark breaching and going for the bait all day, it was crazy good fun under the water. You just didn’t know which way to look with four or five sharks circling the cage and flying after the bait. Everyone couldn’t get enough with all […]

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Las grandes estrellas

El viaje ha sido incredible desde el principio hasta el final. Personalmente el tercer dia de buceo fue el major de todos y creo que los grandes blancos entienden que partimos y nos dan una gran despedida para recordarlos por siempre. Primer dia en la isla con una noche increible de tacos, muscia y hermosas […]

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Guadalupe's Mystery Male

The day on board Nautilus Explorer at Guadalupe Island was a little slow for our group of divers today. All were happy with their morning dives and took it easy in the afternoon. The hardcore divers like Alejandro from Argentina and Hans from China took advantage of the open spaces in the cages and made […]

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Great White Sharks Each and Every Dive

Unreal!! For our first day here at Guadalupe, I think its safe to say that we saw seven different Great White Sharks, five of those seven at ONE time, was not a bad start! More like freakin’ amazing! A nice mix of pretty young juveniles, and a few 16ft rugged Giant Males. It was also a very nice surprise to see a young female great white shark this early on in the Season. What a beauty! Frisky little thing too!

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There were 6 great white sharks cruising around watching us humans like animals in a zoo.

The first day diving with the Great White was absolutely amazing and almost can’t be topped. There were up to 6 sharks cruising around the cage at the same time and watching us humans like the animals in a zoo. We strongly recommend you guys to take the next plane and board the next cruise to the Guadalupe Zoo. Addiction guaranteed!

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