Belle Amie – Two very curious tiger sharks approached the divers on the safety stops.
Captain Shep
Belle Amie – Two very curious tiger sharks approached the divers on the safety stops.
Captain Shep
Explorer – The divers saw a school of silkies around a bait ball… maybe 200 silkies. Epic!
– Captain Josep
Undersea – 4 chevron mantas came to play with the divers. As always they also saw some white tip sharks, jacks, morays, lobsters.
– Captain Gilberto
Explorer – The divers were able to see at least a group of mantas, galapagos, silver, and whitetip sharks.
– Captain Josep
Belle Amie – There was some pretty good activity, and the divers got extremely close encounters with just the right amount of sharks.
– Captain Shep
Undersea – Three chevron mantas and one black manta, all very friendly!
– Captain Gilberto
Belle Amie – Lots and lots of sharks, groups of silvertips, occasionally galapagos, and the usual whitetips.
– Captain Shep