Yet another amazing day we had today. After having seen so many different kinds of animals on this trip I thought we would be running out of things to amaze our guests. I was wrong.
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Yet another amazing day we had today. After having seen so many different kinds of animals on this trip I thought we would be running out of things to amaze our guests. I was wrong.
Read MoreToday in our 2nd dive we could call this dive an INSANE DIVE, all the dive we could get a highway of tunas, around 70 tunas swimming around, as well a couple of chevron mantas, a school of sharks, a school of Bonitas, and at the end we had around more than 30 false killer whales hanging around of our divers, just image the happy faces of everyone including me looking around the rock with all this marine life around, we are going to finish the day here and then we are going to start our way to Socorro.
Read MoreBy the end of the second dive, they had a school of at least 50 hammerheads, but before that when they got in the water a pod of dolphins came around on the surface no one saw them underwater but the story goes that I was thinking they were all dolphins but as they came closer I could see that round head, FALSE KILLER WHALES!!! I am giving a wild guess but I think they were after one of the dolphins, sad but is just nature.
Read MoreSchooling hammerheads at Punta Tosca, a Tiger shark at Roca O’Neal, 8 Giant Mantas in one dive at the Boiler and an awesome surprise at Roca Partida when a pod of about 60 False Killer Whales swam by the Explorer.
Read MoreHave you ever seen a dolphin that glows in the dark!? Well, a couple of nights ago we enjoyed the Lunar Eclipse on our way back from San Benedicto to Cabo San Lucas, and it was very special, no it was SPECTACULAR!
Read MoreSo, this was my first liveaboard experience. WOW! It doesn’t get any better than this! The diving was unbelievable! Mantas galore and I swear they mimic the divers.
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