A Manta Ballet and a Wall of Hammerheads

Today I got the chance to witness two Bottlenose dolphins playing with an oceanic manta and some other divers saw a wall of hundreds of hammerhead sharks, just to make the day even more epic!

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Socorro Rocks with Black Mantas, False Killer Whales and More

Great boat. Great staff. Dive operation really smoothly run. Mantas on every dive so far, schooling hammerheads, false killer whales and more

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Guadalupe-Socorro Combo Trip Kicks off the Socorro Season

Guest Comments from Socorro 2018

Today we experienced three types of manta encounters, five different sharks and a pod of false killer whales. You owe it to yourself to take this magical voyage into the rarely-visited part of our world. Leave your cell phone, hang up on the internet, kiss the modern world behind and discover the wonders of the deep.

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Epic Diving at Socorro Island with Bottlenose Dolphins and More!

On our second dive something that I will never forget happened: as soon as we dropped down we went through one of the arches, and just as we were coming out, all the dolphins, mantas and a curious hammerhead shark came by to see what was going on, all at the same time! It was EPIC!

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A Tiger Shark and more at The Canyon

We had a big tiger shark greet us as we were cruising along the lava flow, it was about 12-14ft long. I have never seen so many young silver tips, I counted 18 at one time, plus a dolphin, huge hammerheads and silkies! What a way to do a check out dive!

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Great Hammerhead Shark??

Divemaster Sten reports that the swell made it impossible to stage scuba dives at The Boiler but that did not matter as they found giant mantas at El Canyon. They also got the Hammerhead sharks going in circles. Some thought one shark was a great hammerhead shark as it was 12 feet long  (and passed very close by the divers)!! Sten and divemaster Tricia confirmed that it was just a very large scalloped hammerhead shark however. An unusual sighting was when on a surface period a pod of False Killer whales passed by.

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